Rogue Kagechiyo on Oberin
[4]  [3]  [2]  [1


 日本時間で 11/1 の朝、私はLerilinのbank前で、US playerさん達のHalloweenの風を感じながら、眠る前に宿題をとBordなど削っておりました。

途中Sir Ronanと拙い英語で会話しておりますと、「Trick or Treat kidsには会ったかい?」と聞かれたので、そこで「hehe 俺は"Trick!"といってやったぜ」と答えると、sir Ronanは「candyをあげるんだ、そうすればきっとそれはまた自分に返ってくるよ」と教えを受けておりました。

と、そこへcle AtalaさんのCemへのお誘いがありskelton狩りへ、前へ突っ込みすぎるAtalaさんは私よりBigginerなのかしら?と、自分のLvにもPlaySkillにも自信の無く不安を感じた私は「この辺に立つのがBestだ」などと何故かこちらが数少ない経験の中からアドヴァイスをしたりしてちまちまと狩りをしておりますと、

(Skeleton): We will miss the paaarty.(てきとう意訳:パーティーに遅れちゃうよー)

突然の出来事で訳が分からず、居合わせたwiz Nijiさん(アメリカ人?)達と今のを見たか?などと会話をしていて取り逃がしたのですが、その後も2体のskeが(Skeleton): Paaarty.と叫んで逃亡!そしていつもはここでは見た事が無いGiantBatが大量pop、これはもしやHalloweenPartyか?と気になって逃げた


以前ここの墓場でBrigand and 2Shelterが出現した時、準備と仲間を募る為に急いでBankまで行き、引き返してくると消えているという経験のある私は、繰り返すまいと強引にStealthして単独墓場に潜入、メセージを確認すると、

Paaaarty. 527 607



(Kagechiyo): RTQ
(Ronan): where
(Kagechiyo): I found party invitation
(Kagechiyo): incem
(Ronan): here
(Kagechiyo): Paaaty 527 607
(Alia): nice wolf
(Kagechiyo): Ronan
(Ronan): where?
(Kagechiyo): 527 607
(Kagechiyo): here is
773 N by 1590 E
(Kagechiyo): 773 1590
(Ronan): Lerilin cem?
(Human): This city is called Lerilin. Some other cities are named Andris and Marali.
(Kagechiyo): i got sextant
Given: Sextant
(Kagechiyo): party is 527 607
(Human): Open your party list with command p.
(Kagechiyo): skel saysd party
(Human): Open your party list with command p.
(Kagechiyo): its RTQ
Taken from Ronan: Sextant
773 N by 1590 E
(Ronan): can you orb them
(Alia): where?
(Ronan): orb coords
(Kagechiyo): soute west
(Kagechiyo): oh
(Kagechiyo): i try
(Alia): towards Mirith?
(Ronan): maybe Andris
(Human): Andris is a city to the South.
(Kagechiyo): oh
(Ronan): what creatures?
(Kagechiyo): west sout west
(Kagechiyo): Skels and bats
(Alia): that's towards Mirith
(Ronan): ah
(Human): Sounds closer to Port Gast, if you ask me.
(Alia): want to head that way?
(Ronan): not too exciting
(Kagechiyo): what party I dont know
(Human): Open your party list with command p.
(Kagechiyo): in cem
(Kagechiyo): massage
(Ronan): no cem in Port Ghast


S.R.C.N.様の所の地図と照らし合わせてPort Gastより西なのでは??と思うも、土地勘も無いのでとりあえず6人程でPort Gastへ、


そして2度目の襲来!今度は(Trickster)も出現し「Treat treat!」とかゆっておりましたが、強いPlayer達は構わずぶっ倒し先へ行ってしまいます。ほかの人たちmamaが呼んでるとか、candyを私にくれ!だの叫んでいます。そんなpanicの中取り残された私は残っていたplayer3人程と連れ立ってさらに西へ、




ここでも2回のpopがあり、plate classの人(2人か3人)はrangerなのかみんなうろうろするしtage取ってくれず、戦線がまるで張れない中、私とAtalaちゃんは死んでおりました。



(Witch): What did you do!
(Silje): who?
(Witch): Rude children!
(Alyssea): Crashed your party?
(Witch): You killed my party guests.
(Silje): oh darn
(Witch): Now it's time to die!
(Alyssea): Hey, they attacked us.
(Silje): we had no idea..
(Ronan): they were already dead
(Witch): * rel des bol *
You are paralyzed.
(Witch): My friends come!
(Niji): * shel rel bol *
(Alyssea): Do not kill her
(Alyssea): We can be your guests
(Kagechiyo): Im pty
(Alyssea): We are good guests
(Zombie): Must.. eat...
(Zombie): So..... hungry...
(Atala): oooOOOoooOOOooo
(Zombie): Brrraaaiiinnnssss...
(Alyssea): She is a witch
(Atala): oooOOOoooOOOooo
(Zombie): aaaaahhhhhhhh...
(Alyssea): She cannot die.
(Achimas): Babble babble babble.
(Alyssea): Unless we burn her
(Zombie): Brrraaaiiinnnssss...
(Zombie): So..... hungry...
(Zombie): aaahhhhhgggg
(Laricen): she can stealth
(Alyssea): A cackling with
(Alyssea): How Stereotypical
(Witch): Leave my house.
(Atala): * pur *
(Alyssea): Which way to the witch?
(Kagechiyo): your house?
(Niji): BURN
(Alyssea): I'm afraid we cannot do tht.
(Witch): * bol flas *
(Alia): yes!
(Alyssea): She seemed nice.
(Alyssea): How...Ironic.
(Kagechiyo): Wich is Anywhere
(Alia): Anything on the witch?
(Niji): Witch is dead



(Atala): Want to go to her? or is the party still not over?
(Silje): Well, Aly, awesome party you got us to :)
(Ronan): theres a bag of ale up here
(Silje): mm, ale
(Laricen): yeah, i dropped the ale up there for whoever wants it
(Silje): nice Laricen :)
(Niji): Chest.
(Niji): open :D
(Alyssea): She is saved
(Laricen): candy, ale, and food




(Alia): which way are you going?
(Niji): *steals all the food*
(Alyssea): I will probably go to Mirith for now.
(Alia): may I go with?
(Niji): i go to andris :O
(Alyssea): Sure
(Silje): bye all :)
(Atala): Bye
(Achimas): ciao all :)
(Laricen): bye
(Niji): cu
(Silje): I like not dying
(Kagechiyo): seeyou
(Alyssea): Robes?
(Alyssea): There was robes?
(Niji): there was?
(Alyssea): Not that I saw
(Niji): i didnt see any
(Niji): kage did you?
(Kagechiyo): ?
(Ronan): anyone going back to Lerilin?
(Niji): see robes?
(Alia): who are you talking to?
(Kagechiyo): no
(Kagechiyo): What robe?
(Alyssea): I got a white message saying share the robes with the rest of the group
(Niji): nvm
(Kagechiyo): Rop?
(Niji): laricen opend the chest
(Alyssea): But all I have is my RoR and RoP
(Niji): you have the robes?
(Laricen): no robes in there
(Alia): Alyssea
Adora completed a quest!
Shared experience: 12 experience points.
(Alia): ...
(Alyssea): Yes?
(Alia): I need to speak with you
(Alia): in private
(Alyssea): Okay
(Kagechiyo): ???
(Kagechiyo): nazo da
(Atala): hmm
(Atala): thanks
(Alyssea): I see
(Alia): also I tested this theory
(Alia): by dropping a scimitar of power +10
(Kagechiyo): BoNE RORD
(Alia): on one of the corpses
(Atala): * pur *
(Percy): Haha. Trick or treat!
(Percy): You got tricked
(Alyssea): And no one found it?
(Alia): but no one admitted to picking that up either
(Niji): and lots of blood
(Laricen): i imagine from percy
(Kagechiyo): ??
(Alia): there were a lot more than 4 skeletons!
(Alyssea): Well, you should tell everyone, and ask again
(Kagechiyo): ???
(Alyssea): If that doesn't work
(Kagechiyo): nothing
(Atala): Aww thanks, but i dont have to have one
(Atala): Its completely up to you :)
(Atala): ok are you still having a d and m ?
(Alia): best I could figure was to give them to the clerics
(Alia): Kagechiyo
(Kagechiyo): yes
(Alyssea): I think that would be the best option at this point
(Alyssea): But keep one for yourself too
(Alia): did you search any of the skeletons?
(Alyssea): At least you were honest
(Kagechiyo): yes..
(Alia): Okay
(Kagechiyo): but nothing
df1b2f39.png(Silje): skel
(Silje): hello!



と喋っている所に青ネームのpet Skeltonが焚火の前に登場!

(Silje): Mr. Skel!
(Achimas): Hello Skel
(Kagechiyo): speak
(Alia): don't fight him
(Kagechiyo): sorry
(Atala): how do u screenshot?
(Alyssea): Apple Shift 3
(Alia): okay


4c929ab9.pngするとSkelちゃんがmy wishと何やら喋りだします。

(Skeleton): I... I want my wish still!
(Alia): I'm pretty sure Laricen got most of the loot
(Silje): for me its apple shift 4
(Silje): what wish?
(Alia): He is now far far away
(Achimas): and your wish?
(Alia): and we was just stealthing around listening a second ago
(Silje): What is your wish, Skellie?
(Alia): I could make 5 packs

cc9d7d8b.png(Skeleton): *tosses coin*
(Alia): and put robes in 3 of them
(Silje): heads or tails?
(Alia): and candy in 2
(Skeleton): I... I want a yellow robe!
(Achimas): tails
(Silje): aww!
(Kagechiyo): oh
(Alyssea): Tails never fails
(Skeleton): *reaches in pot*
(Kagechiyo): no I havent

bfb2ac46.png(Skeleton): Aha!
(Silje): did you get one?
(Alia): yellow robe!
(Alia): trick or treat?
(Atala): Hi skelly
(Silje): Was that all you wished for?
(Skeleton): Treat treat! I have more than I need now. Thank you wishing pot!
(Silje): hehehe
(Kagechiyo): here
914217f5.png(Alyssea): Wishing pot hey?
(Alia): ah a wishing pot
(Achimas): +5 robe?
(Alia): wish for something
(Alia): Kagechiyo
(Silje): +5 yellow robe?
(Kagechiyo): yellow robe +5
(Alia): make a wish
(Silje): that's Achimas
(Achimas): i gave it to him


今確認するとwhishing potが何とかと言ってますね。



(Atala): i wish for 1 million gp
(Silje): now wish!
(Atala): hehehe
(Kagechiyo): hehehe
(Silje): I wish for...a beautiful black RoR1
(Silje): +10!
(Silje): *wishes hard*
(Kagechiyo): hehe
(Silje): hm
(Silje): its broken!
(Silje): hehe
(Alyssea): Hehe
(Alia): no its not
(Silje): OOOH!
(Achimas): did you get your wish?
(Silje): I got my wish!!
(Kagechiyo): ohhh
(Achimas): Nice :)
(Alia): go ahead
(Kagechiyo): :)
(Silje): Thank you oh great Skellie!


そしてwhishing timeへ、

(Alyssea): *wishes hard* I wish for...Something red, sticky and very yummy to eat
(Alia): what did you get?
(Achimas): Sure beats the great pumpkin
(Alyssea): To add to my collection
(Silje): *blows kisses wildly around*
(Alyssea): *throws in coin*
(Atala): whos turn?
(Alyssea): :D
(Achimas): you go tcandy
(Silje): hey!
(Silje): candy!
(Kagechiyo): I wish for Candy 100!
(Alia): I wish * that everyone here gets a +10 robe of their choice*
(Alyssea): Oooh
(Achimas): :)
(Alyssea): 5 Candy
(Achimas): nice
(Atala): OH WOW
(Silje): wow
(Kagechiyo): w
(Silje): thats a cool wish
(Kagechiyo): thx!


(Alia): everyone pick a color!
(Silje): but I got mine!
(Achimas): Kagechiyo should get wish
(Alia): and.... anyone else want a robe?
(Silje): I got mine, it's very lovely :)
(Kagechiyo): I wished
(Alyssea): More candy?
(Kagechiyo): BRoP
(Alia): no your robe
(Atala): bo ur black
(Atala): no*
(Kagechiyo): candy
(Achimas): I wish shiney new weapon
(Silje): I will take for Achi and me one more, ok?
(Silje): each
(Alyssea): I have already got a lot
(Silje): three left :)
(Kagechiyo): I wish for Candy for everyone of Oberin



(Silje): Achi!
(Silje): bag!
(Achimas): :) ty
(Silje): what is it?
(Achimas): scim os speed
(Alia): that's a nice wish
(Kagechiyo): ooo
(Silje): wow wow wow
(Kagechiyo): nice!
(Alyssea): :D
(Achimas): leather belt in sack
(Silje): goodness, was this Christmas or Halloween??
(Achimas): ty skel :)
(Atala): i wish for something that would make me very happy
(Kagechiyo): hehe
(Silje): Ty Mr. Skellie :)
(Atala): hehehe
(Kagechiyo): ill get
Taken: Leather Belt
(Atala): ty mr skellie!

scimiter of speedも出ている様です。私が手に入れたのはLeather Belt。。。

(Atala): thanks
(Alyssea): woosh?
(Alia): whoosh
(Atala): wooosh ?
(Kagechiyo): :)
(Kagechiyo): ?
(Alia): what would make you very happy?
(Kagechiyo): ohhh
(Atala): uhmmm
(Alyssea): ohhh?
(Atala): lol
(Alyssea): More candy?
Taken: Dagger of Power (+10)
(Kagechiyo): Dagger of power
(Kagechiyo): thank you!!!!!

と、困ったちゃんに痺れを切らしてかDagger of Powerを出してくれました :D

Robeの事などすっかり忘れていましたが、(Alia)ちゃんから無事 Purple Robe of Resistanceを受け取り、先程見つけたBananaやAleで乾杯をしてハロウィーンパーティーの夜は明けてゆきました。

Given: Banana
Given: Banana
(Alyssea): *hiccup*
(Atala): haha thanks
(Atala): i miss skellie
(Atala): :D
(Kagechiyo): party is over



と、Bankに辿り着いて直ぐにGM(Charnath)登場!paaaarty organizerはこの人かな?怪しい?

(Charnath): Greetings
(Synnove): hello Charnath :)
(Alyssea): Greetings
(Charnath): What is everyone dressed up as today?
(Thorfinn): hello
(Alia): what makes you think that?
(Atala): Greetings
(Kagechiyo): Greetings
(Sumac): Hello Charnath :)
(Alia): ;)
(Charnath): Yes.....charnath......sure....
(Ambyr): Hello
(Alyssea): I am dressed up as Charnath.
(Atala): im only new, i don tneed thoes hehe
(Alyssea): But I need a black hat
(Sumac): I am the Gimp
(Thorfinn): I make traps
(Charnath): What a coincidence! So am I!
(Alyssea): So my costume isn't quite complete
(Alyssea): Really?
(Alyssea): Interesting coincidence
(Charnath): Of course
(Sumac): Wanted a pumpkin to put on my head
(Atala): lol
(Charnath): Did everyone go out trick or treating?
(Alyssea): We did
(Ambyr): no
(Synnove): but..what do you wish in return?
(Alyssea): We even found a Wishing pot.
(Laricen): i did not
(Kagechiyo): yes
(Atala): uhmm
(Alia): and a trickster
(Ambyr): I didnt. I'm sad :'(
(Sumac): Found a cauldron of gifts
(Charnath): Did the wishing pot have Jolly Ranchers?
(Synnove): I know
(Alyssea): Ah, this is closer
(Alia): yep
(Atala): I have no idea, sorry
(Sumac): yes
(Synnove): one sec
(Alyssea): A black hat none the less.
(Sumac): some nice candies
(Ambyr): Thanks Alia
(Charnath): Very lucky it was not filled with boots instead
(Synnove): if you get babbled, you will want that
(Atala): wow, surely thats worth way mor!
(Alyssea): I suppose we are.
(Atala): more*
(Atala): wow
(Synnove): no worries, please have it :)
(Atala): thannks!
(Sumac): Got my share of boots filled with coal
(Synnove): and thank you :)
(Atala): wow
(Alyssea): And we got lots of candy from various people.
(Charnath): Back to the Candy search, Farewell
(Alyssea): There was a witch
(Synnove): bye :)
(Alyssea): She had a very good costume
(Ambyr): Bye
(Atala): wow
(Atala): Bye!
(Kagechiyo): bye


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[01/21 kagechiyo]
[01/21 キリン]
[11/08 kagechiyo]
[11/08 Amon]

Rogue/ Kagechiyo

Druid/ Baul Addwaitya
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